I Will Return To Stage At All Cost- Celine Dion

In a heartfelt interview on the ‘Today Show with Hoda Kotb’, legendary Canadian singer Celine Dion revealed her unwavering determination to overcome Stiff Person Syndrome and return to the stage. Despite her struggles, she vowed to persevere, even if it means resorting to unconventional methods like crawling or using hand gestures to communicate. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get back on stage, even if I have to crawl or use my hands to speak,” she emphasized.

After keeping her diagnosis private for 17 years, Dion finally shared her story, reflecting on the challenges she faced while supporting her late husband’s cancer battle and raising their children. She acknowledged the importance of seeking help and self-care, even in the midst of adversity. “I should have stopped and sought answers, but I felt compelled to be a hero, hiding my struggles while my body was failing me,” she said. Through her courageous revelations, Dion highlighted the significance of prioritizing one’s health and well-being.”

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