Renowned Ghanaian singer and dancer, Mr. Drew (born Andrews Nii Commey Otoo), has voiced his frustration about the detrimental effects of power outages (known as “dumsor” in Ghana) on his home appliances. Despite his success in the entertainment industry, Mr. Drew faces the same challenges as many Ghanaians, struggling with the reliability of the national power grid.
These intermittent blackouts have persistently afflicted Ghana, wreaking havoc on daily life, causing substantial economic hardship, and imposing significant financial burdens on both individuals and businesses.
Caught up in an interview by popular Ghanaian YouTuber Kwadwo Sheldon, Mr. Drew, renowned for his dynamic performances and popular songs, shared his personal encounter with dumsor, lamenting the harm it has caused to his electronic devices.
He said “The dumsor situation in my neighborhood is severe… I mean, it’s really bad. It’s not just pure dumsor… the current is unstable, fluctuating between low and high power levels. This instability has resulted in the destruction of most of the air conditioners in my house.”
“There was a time when I was away, and upon my return, I discovered that dumsor had damaged all my ACs, necessitating repairs. The constant power cuts and voltage surges are unbearable,” he added.
Mr. Drew further emphasized that the power situation sometimes disrupt his work, particularly during studio sessions.
The artist’s frustration resonates with countless Ghanaians who endure similar hardships. Prolonged power outages, often lasting hours or even days, disrupt daily routines and hinder productivity. The unstable power grid has resulted in the destruction of numerous appliances, including refrigerators, air conditioners, computers, and musical equipment, leading to substantial economic losses.
As Ghana struggles to address its persistent energy crisis, the voices of affected citizens like Mr. Drew underscore the urgent need for sustainable solutions to ensure a reliable power supply, safeguard livelihoods, and protect the well-being of the population.
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